
                For this week’s activity, we had a game called HIDE AND SEEK. We put a twist into that all time favorite activity by hiding colored stickers instead of ourselves. It began by dividing all members into two groups by gender. Then, the boys hid their stickers while the girls were having a session regarding ‘The Pillars of Faith in Islam’. The girls were given pieces of paper written the content and they have to set all six of them in order. While waiting for the boys, we had a memorable time watching a wonderful and touching music video by MAHER ZAIN – Always be there.  Meanwhile, the boys were guided by one of the seniors in hiding their stickers. After they can guarantee the safety of their stickers, they switched activity with the girls. 

Time to hide
Then, it’s time for sticker’s hunting!! They all were trying their best to find as many stickers as they could. It came to a moment where both group almost end up tie. Within time given, 10 minutes, finally we had our winner. The girls won as they found 8 out of 16 hidden stickers.At the end of the session, we conclude that no matter how we hard we try to hide something we just can’t hide from Allah. Be honest in life as we will be rewarded for that, maybe not now but hereafter. Insyaallah.

Fun and educational


The CIA fashion show, envisioned by former president Muhammad Fakhruddin, and brought into reality by our dedicated CIA members, was successfully held two days ago, in the North Hall of CIS.

The theme of this event was inspired by the history of silk road, which played an important role in linking the eastern and western countries together, not only economically, but culturally as well. From this interaction arose a new sense of fashion, where concealment was given priority, without compromising beauty and elegance.

The fashion show started off with a short video clip, introducing the role of the silk road. Images of richly yet modestly dressed Muslim women were displayed, further emphasizing the fact that one can still be fashionable without violating religious requirements. It was then followed by a brief opening ceremony by Datuk Hamzah.

The fashion runway, which followed next, was the main highlight of the day. Models clad in a stunning array of costumes showcased the creativity of our local designers. The dresses came in a dazzling myriad of colours and were complemented by accessories and intricate patterns. The models had matching headscarfs on, which were tied in a fashionable manner. Some costumes resembled traditional Malay attire while others drew inspiration from contemporary sources.
Simple yet stylish

Graceful yet concealing

displaying the elegance of the costumes

The runway was divided into two sessions, with a brief interlude in between. The audience was entertained by Maher Zain’s inspirational song ‘Hold My Hand’, sung by our talented members, namely Fadhly Tiansin, Irsyad Khairil and Aiman Adli. Their performance received tremendous applause from the audience, and the fashion runway was resumed.
"Hold My Hand" performance

Looking stunning in Baju Melayu

At the end of the event, the models were presented with souveniers as a token of appreciation. The day came to a perfect end with a group photography session of the models and CIA members.
Overall, the occasion was a success and we hope to organize similar events in the future. 
successful event by CIA members


Hari ‘kasih sayang’ yang dirayakan oleh orang-orang Barat pada bulan Februari yang disebut ‘Valentine Day’ amat popular dan merebak di seluruh pelusuk dunia bahkan di Malaysia turut menerima tempiasnya. Sebelum menjelangnya 14 Februari setiap tahun, di mana-mana kita dapat lihat iklan-iklan yang mempromosi Valentine Day ini dan kadang-kadang masyarakat Islam turut meraikannya tanpa mengetahui sejarah di sebalik Valentine Day.

Sejarah Valentine

Valentine sebenarnya adalah seorang martyr (dalam Islam disebut ‘Syuhada’) yang kerana kesalahan dan bersifat ‘dermawan’ maka dia diberi gelaran Saint. Pada tanggal 14 Februari 270 M, St. Valentine dibunuh kerana pertentangannya (pertelingkahan) dengan penguasa Romawi pada waktu itu iaitu Raja Claudius II (268 – 270 M). Untuk mengagungkan St. Valentine yang dianggap sebagai simbol ketabahan, keberanian dan kepasrahan dalam menghadapi cubaan hidup, maka para pengikutnya memperingati kematian St. Valentine sebagai ‘upacara keagamaan’.

Tetapi sejak abad 16 M, ‘upacara keagamaan’ tersebut mulai beransur-ansur hilang dan berubah menjadi ‘perayaan bukan keagamaan’. Hari Valentine kemudian dihubungkan dengan pesta jamuan kasih sayang bangsa Romawi kuno yang disebut “Supercalis” yang jatuh pada tanggal 15 Februari.

Setelah orang-orang Romawi itu masuk agama Nasrani (Kristian), pesta ’supercalis’ kemudian dikaitkan dengan upacara kematian St. Valentine. Penerimaan upacara kematian St. Valentine sebagai ‘hari kasih sayang’ juga dikaitkan dengan kepercayaan orang Eropah bahwa waktu ‘kasih sayang’ itu mulai bersemi ‘bagai burung jantan dan betina’ pada tanggal 14 Februari.

Dalam bahasa Perancis Normandia, pada abad pertengahan terdapat kata “Galentine” yang bererti ‘galant atau cinta’. Persamaan bunyi antara galentine dan valentine menyebabkan orang berfikir bahawa sebaiknya para pemuda dalam mencari pasangan hidupnya pada tanggal 14 Februari.

Secara kesimpulannya Valentine Day ini lebih bercorak kepercayaan atau animisme belaka yang berusaha merosak akidah umat Islam dan pada masa yang sama memperkenalkan gaya hidup barat dengan bertopengkan percintaan, perjodohan dan kasih sayang.

Pandangan Islam

Sebagai seorang muslim tanyakanlah pada diri kita sendiri, apakah kita akan mencontohi begitu saja sesuatu yang jelas bukan bersumber dari Islam?

Mari kita renungkan Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w:
“Barang siapa yang meniru atau mengikuti suatu kaum (agama) maka dia termasuk kaum (agama) itu”.

Firman Allah s.w.t. dalam Surah Al-Imran ayat 85 :
“Barangsiapa yang mencari agama selain agama Islam, maka sekali-sekali tidaklah diterima (agama itu) daripadanya, dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi”.

Who Do You Fear?

Unleashing Our Creativity

For the second CIA meeting or as we named it as ‘LETS TAFAQQUH’, we decided to make it different from the common meeting activity while taking our Islamic values into account.

All the CIA members had to draw a praying mat on a piece of cloth using crayons. The motifs are based on plants, sceneries and the most popular is thee motif of mosques considering the fact that we can’t have any animals or any life forms on it. We all had a good time drawing and creating our handmade praying mat while sharing the quality time being a Muslim.

In the end, we compared which sejadah is the best to use for praying: the one which doesn’t have patterns that are too attractive as it can draw our concentration to admire the design instead of devoting our self to Allah. Moreover, there were also discussions about how we can use sejadah to pray almost everywhere indirectly showing that being a Muslim is not a burden, but a bless from Allah the Almighty.

All in all, our programme was a success and below are few moments captured during the activity. Enjoy~

the sejadah designed by our members

the girls and the completed sejadah

showcasing their creativity
next Friday we will be having a meeting again at the A-Level's Common room from 3.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m. Hoping to see you guys again....

CIA Meeting

Welcome to all new CIA members. we are very pleased to have you all as part of the association. This week we will have our very first meeting for 2011 and the details are listed below. 
We are looking forward to your presence on that day. 

Date     : 14th January 2011
Time     : 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Venue   :A-Level Common Room,at the south end of S2 3rd floor.

CIA meeting

The Burning Desire:CCA Open Day 2011


Welcome to CIA to all new members. We are very pleased to welcome you into our association.
During the CCA open day, we exposed our activities to the Cempaka student body, via slides on a laptop.

Many took an interest in our booth and stopped by to make inquiries. Some showed their deep support by signing  up as new members.We are very pleased with the response shown by the Cempaka students.

All in all, the day was a success. We hope that 2011 will open a new chapter for CIA, and our activities will manage to instill understanding towards Islam.

Here are some snapshots to recapture the moments of that eventful day,check out our Facebook Page for more photos and our past activities.

Safira's mother who give us a full support towards our activities.

Elina signing up as a member
For our 1st meeting in 2011 will be held at A Level Common Room on Friday 14th January,3.30 to 4.30 p.m.Happy to see you soon ^_____^